is known in chemistry as an aromatic or even superaromatic
molecule while it has 24 π-electrons which does not conform
to the 4n + 2 Huckel’s rule. Chemical bonding
description of it is not settled in chemistry and five models were
reported in the literature. According to our model, coronene has two
concentric π-systems responsible for aromaticity inside of the
molecule. In addition to that there are six peripheral 2c–2e
π-bonds, which makes coronene aliphatic/aromatic at the same
time. However, recent experiments and calculations put in question
the presence of peripheral π-bonds. In order to resolve this
issue, we computationally studied reaction mechanism of the Cl2 molecule with C2H4, C6H6, and C24H12. As it turned out, coronene
behaves in a way similar to ethylene by adding Cl2 molecule.
Thus, it proves that coronene indeed has peripheral double bonds which
is also consistent with its experimental geometrical features. Our
chemical bonding model allows to identify the most reactive atoms
in coronene and other PAHs; therefore, it is a matter of importance
for combustion and soot formation studies.