The ergastic substances of 394 temperate angiospermous seed samples belonging to 49 families have been investigated. Starch grains have been recorded in 24 taxa distributed in Acanthaceae (1), Caryophyllaceae (13), Chenopodiaceae (2), Primulaceae (2), Umbelliferae (4), Solanaceae (1) and Passifloraceae (1). Although there is no relationship between starch grain characteristics and phylogenetic position of the taxa investigated, the occurrence of starch grains is associated with herbaceous habit.
Alkaloids, fats and oil, inulin, proteins and tannins are the other ergastic substances recorded during this study. The occurrence of these substances is rather sporadic. However, the complete lack of tannins in families like Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Campanulaceae, Convolvulaceae and Geraniaceae suggests that these families are phylogenetically more advanced than those with tannins.