A combination of variable temperature 1 H, 15 N, and 27 Al MAS NMR and 1 H/ 27 Al and 15 N/ 27 Al TRAPDOR NMR has been used to study the adsorption of monomethylamine (MMA) on dehydrated zeolite HY. Monomethylammonium cations (MMAH + ) are formed, which at temperatures below -40°C are rigidly bound to the zeolite framework. At loading levels of MMA that exceed the number of Brønsted acid protons, 1 H resonances intermediate in chemical shift between those of MMA and MMAH + are observed from species undergoing rapid proton transfer reactions between MMA and MMAH + . These exchange processes are frozen out at -140°C, and MMAH + and physisorbed MMA are observed. The deprotonation of the Brønsted acid SiO(H)Al site, and the consequent formation of MMAH + , results in a reduction of the 27 Al quadrupole coupling constant (QCC) of the nearby aluminum atom by more than 12 MHz, and a QCC for this site of 3.0 ((0.3) MHz is determined. Rehydration of HY and then subsequent calcination at 400°C results in the formation of silanols, two aluminum hydroxide species, and Lewis acid sites. The aluminum hydroxide species with associated 1 H resonances at 2.8 and 0.9 ppm have 27 Al QCCs of g11.7 and 10.0 ((0.8) MHz, respectively. MMA bound to the Lewis acid site was observed with 15 N and 1 H MAS NMR. Significant mobility of the MMA species, and proton transfer reactions between MMAH + and MMA coordinated to a Lewis acid site, was detected in these samples at ambient temperatures; these processes were frozen out at -150°C, and discrete resonances from MMAH + , a Lewis acid-MMA complex, and physisorbed MMA were observed. 15 N/ 27 Al TRAPDOR NMR demonstrates that the MMA in the Lewis acid-MMA complex is directly bound to an aluminum atom at the Lewis acid site, with a 27 Al QCC of 8.3 ((0.3) MHz. The Al-N internuclear distance was estimated to be shorter than 2.7 Å.