The heavy electron Kondo liquid is an emergent state of condensed matter that displays universal behavior independent of material details. Properties of the heavy electron liquid are best probed by NMR Knight shift measurements, which provide a direct measure of the behavior of the heavy electron liquid that emerges below the Kondo lattice coherence temperature as the lattice of local moments hybridizes with the background conduction electrons. Because the transfer of spectral weight between the localized and itinerant electronic degrees of freedom is gradual, the Kondo liquid typically coexists with the local moment component until the material orders at low temperatures. The two-fluid formula captures this behavior in a broad range of materials in the paramagnetic state. In order to investigate two-fluid behavior and the onset and physical origin of different long range ordered ground states in heavy electron materials, we have extended Knight shift measurements to URu 2 Si 2 , CeIrIn 5 , and CeRhIn 5 . In CeRhIn 5 we find that the antiferromagnetic order is preceded by a relocalization of the Kondo liquid, providing independent evidence for a local moment origin of antiferromagnetism. In URu 2 Si 2 the hidden order is shown to emerge directly from the Kondo liquid and so is not associated with local moment physics. Our results imply that the nature of the ground state is strongly coupled with the hybridization in the Kondo lattice in agreement with phase diagram proposed by Yang and Pines.nuclear magnetic resonance | heavy fermion | hyperfine couplings C ompetition between different energy scales gives rise to a rich spectrum of emergent ground states in strongly correlated electron materials. In the heavy fermion compounds, a lattice of nearly localized f electrons interacts with a sea of conduction electrons, and depending on the magnitude of this interaction different types of long-range order may develop at low temperatures (1). The Kondo lattice model strives to capture the essential physics of heavy fermion materials by considering the various magnetic interactions between the conduction electron spins, S c , and the local moment spins, S f (2). Different ground states can emerge depending on the relative strengths of the interaction, J, between S c and S f and the intersite interaction, J f f , between the S f spins (3, 4). Much of the physics of the phase diagram is driven by a quantum critical point, which separates long-range ordered ground states from those in which the local moments have fully hybridized with the conduction electrons to form itinerant states with large effective masses and large Fermi surfaces (5). In several materials quantum critical fluctuations give rise to anomalous non-Fermi liquid behavior in various bulk transport and thermodynamic quantities (6-8).In recent years, evidence has emerged that in the high temperature disordered phase the electronic degrees of freedom simultaneously exhibit both itinerant and localized behavior (9). Below a temperature T Ã that marks the onset...