We study from tempered Monte Carlo simulations the magnetic phase diagram of a textured dipolar Ising model on a face centered cubic lattice. The Ising coupling of the model follow the dipoledipole interaction. The Ising axes are distributed with a uniaxial symmetry along theẑ direction with a gaussian probability density of the polar angles. This distribution provides a quenched disorder realization of the dipolar Ising model making a continuous link between the parallel axes dipoles and the random axes dipole models. As expected the phase diagram presents three distinctive phases: paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and spin-glass. A quasi long range ferromagnetic and a reentrant spin-glass phases are obtained in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic spin-glass line. This model provides a way to predict the magnetic phases of magnetic nanoparticles supracrystals in terms of the texturation of the easy axes distribution in the strong anisotropy limit. * n ∈ [0.55, 3.50] and an arithmetic distribution. * c , by using the finite size behavior of B q (L), q 2 and the probability distribution P (q) of the overlap order parameter. P (q) is characterized by two broad peaks located at