“…I fully agree that both control and coordination (not just control!) are "at the heart of MNE functioning" regardless of their increasingly fuzzy organizational boundaries (Zeng et al, 2023(Zeng et al, , p. 1599. While I agree with Forsgren and Holm's (2021) caution of adopting an overly MNE-centric approach to MNE controlÀcoordination efforts in a GVC context, I do not think the fact that MNEs neither "own their GVC" (Dindial and Voss, 2024, p. 322) nor are any longer able to "institute hierarchy-like behavioural constraints across its suppliers" (Dindial and Voss, 2024, p. 324) absolves them from a moral responsibility to re-solve modern slavery even under conditions of "distributed responsibility between the MNE, its contracted GVC partners and (non-)governmental organisations" (Dindial and Voss, 2024, p. 4;cf.…”