We have fabricated by SNEP process Nb/AI/NbN/AIN/NbN Josephson junctions with the gap voltage V, = 2A!e IZ: 4.0 mV, subgap leakage R,,/R, IZ: 6.0, current density measured at the gap current rise J, = 1.5 kA/cm2. The (111)-textured NbN with transition temperature T, 16 K have been deposited at ambient substrate temperature. Phase composition and structure of the NbN films were investigated by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). It was found that the films have a structure close to the cubic 6-NbN (JCPDS card N38-11556) and the phase composition and intrinsic stress in NbN depend on Ar and N2 partial pressure during DC maguetroln sputtering. Cross-sectional TEM analisys showed that in -s'itu depositoin of thin AI layer in the base Nb/AI/NbN electrode provides effective planarization of its surface and the result in improvement of tunnel junction parameters.