NBS Special Publication 250 provides detailed descriptions of the currently available NBS calibration services, measurement assurance programs, and other measurement services. This revised edition reflects the services available as of the second quarter of 1980 and reflects a number of important changes since the 1978 Edition of SP250 was published. Future editions of SP250 will be published periodically as NBS services change. An Appendix to SP250 is published every 6 months (June and December) that lists current prices for the services described in this publication and the NBS points of contact (addresses and phone numbers) from whom additional information can be obtained. NBS will notify users of SP250 of changes in services or proposed changes in services by means of announcements in the Appendix. If you are not already on our mailing list for SP250 Appendices and wish to be, fill in and return the card at the back of this document. Many users of this publication find it convenient to keep SP250 and the current price list (Appendix) in a three-ring binder. It is important that you refer to the current issue of the Appendix in order to have up-to-date information with respect to NBS points of contact. We call your attention to the availability of a variety of new Measurement Assurance Program (MAP) services. These are carefully designed quality control programs for critical measurements that allow the user to achieve a high level of confidence that the measurements being made in the user's laboratory are consistent with national standards and adequate for their intended use. As noted in the text, Measurement Assurance Program services are available for some traditional units (e.g., mass) and for some units associated with new technologies (e.g., laser power and energy). The Office of Measurement Services welcomes suggestions on how this publication can be made more useful to those who rely on NBS measurement services. Suggestions are also welcome concerning needs for new calibration services, measurement assurance programs, or other measurement services.