Recently, Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANET) have been proposed to empower 5G networks to support complex missions and provide ubiquitous connectivity to heterogeneous devices. However, it is needed to cope with the limited UAV capabilities (e.g., limited available energy to supply engines and computing elements, limited computing capabilities), as well as with the need to provide network and application services as foreseen in highly dynamic and time varying 5G ecosystems. This paper presents for the first time a comprehensive framework that integrates a FANET with a 5G network, with the aim of providing services that can be even chained with each other. This model is comprehensive in the sense that it takes into account physical constraints of the devices, as well as features and requirements of traffic flows. For this framework, the paper proposes a mathematical optimization model, allowing Virtual Function (VF) placement and chaining, aimed at minimizing energy consumption and service unsatisfaction probabilities of the FANET as a whole without employing heuristics for the solution of the problem. Two placement strategies named MLP and WMP are introduced and compared with the standard placement strategy named NoShP. An extensive numerical analysis shows that MLP and WMP allow us to well catch network dynamics and to reduce the number of virtual functions needed while decreasing the power consumption, so increasing UAV flight time and network lifetime.