In experimental researches, ferrets are used as model animals – an alternative to larger predators and rodents in studying various pathologies. Ferrets are exotic pets, and the effect of their domestication manifests itself in the development of various cardiovascular diseases. An electrocardiographic study allows to reveal already acquired heart pathologies such as arrhythmias in adult small animals. The most striking physiological adaptation to new living conditions is observed in ferrets in the early postnatal period. Knowledge of characteristics of the ferrets’ electrocardiogram during this period will help to identify congenital cardiac diseases. The aim of the study was to examine electrocardiograms of ferrets at the age of one month and compare the results obtained with adult small animals. Electrocardiograms were recorded in standard bipolar limb leads on a 12-channel computer electrocardiograph in the sternal body position. The analysis of the morphology of the P-wave, QRS complex, and T-wave was carried out, the characteristics of the amplitude indicators and time intervals was presented. It was revealed that the P-wave was predominantly peaked with the highest amplitude in the second lead, the complex of initial ventricular activity was represented by a singlephase R-wave; in some animals, the T-wave was biphasic in leads II and III. A high elevation of the ST segment was recorded on the electrocardiogram of all the small animals. The results obtained showed that significant changes were not observed in the electrocardiogram of one-month-old ferrets in comparison with adult healthy small animals, so their electrocardiogram described can be considered normal for their age.