A new digital controller named a P-predictive regulator is proposed. The digital control system design procedure is extremely simple. The discrete process model for the sampling period PAt, P > 1, for the control sampling period At is determined. This model is applied at time t = kAt as the one-step ahead predictor for the controlled output. Equalizing the predicted controlled output yp((k + 1)At) with the desired process output y,((k + l)Ar), obtains the control input u(k). The desired process output y,((k + 1)At) is defined, as in model algorithmic control, by a first-order reference trajectory, with the speed of response defined by a parameter laa[ < 1. This parameter is used for direct adjustment of the closed-loop speed of response. The parameter /3 is used for stabilization of the closed-loop system. The performance of the design method proposed is demonstrated by some simulation results.