The evolutionary complexity
of compartmentalized biostructures
(such as cells and organelles) endows life-sustaining multistep chemical
cascades and intricate living functionalities. Relatively, within
a very short time span, a synthetic paradigm has resulted in tremendous
growth in controlling the materials at different length scales (molecular,
nano, micro, and macro), improving mechanistic understanding and setting
the design principals toward different compositions, configurations,
and structures, and in turn fine-tuning their optoelectronic and catalytic
properties for targeted applications. Bioorthogonal catalysis offers
a highly versatile toolkit for biochemical modulation and the capability
to perform new-to-nature reactions inside living
systems, endowing augmented functions. However, conventional catalysts
have limitations to control the reactions under physiological conditions
due to the hostile bioenvironment. The present account details the
development of bioapplicable multicomponent designer nanoreactors
(NRs), where the compositions, morphologies, interfacial active sites,
and microenvironments around different metal nanocatalysts can be
precisely controlled by novel nanospace-confined chemistries. Different
architectures of porous, hollow, and open-mouth silica-based nano-housings
facilitate the accommodation, protection, and selective access of
different nanoscale metal-based catalytic sites. The modular porosity/composition,
optical transparency, thermal insulation, and nontoxicity of silica
are highly useful. Moreover, large macropores or cavities can also
be occupied by enzymes (for chemoenzymatic cascades) and selectivity
enhancers (for stimuli-responsive gating) along with the metal nanocatalysts.
Further, it is crucial to selectively activate and control catalytic
reactions by a remotely operable biocompatible energy source. Integration
of highly coupled plasmonic (Au) components having few-nanometer structural
features (gaps, cavities, and junctions as electromagnetic hot-spots)
endows an opportunity to efficiently harness low-power NIR light and
selectively supply energy to the interfacial catalytic sites through
localized photothermal and electronic effects. Different plasmonically
integrated NRs with customizable plasmonic-catalytic components, cavities
inside bilayer nanospaces, and metal-laminated nanocrystals inside
hollow silica can perform NIR-/light-induced catalytic reactions in
complex media including living cells. In addition, magnetothermia-induced
NRs by selective growth of catalytic metals on a pre-installed superparamagnetic
iron-oxide core inside a hollow-porous silica shell endowed the opportunity
to apply AMF as a bioorthogonal stimulus to promote catalytic reactions.
By combining “plasmonic-catalytic” and “magnetic-catalytic”
components within a single NR, two distinct reaction steps can be
desirably controlled by two energy sources (NIR light and AMF) of
distinct energy regimes. The capability to perform multistep organic
molecular transformations in harmony...