The lean blow-off (LBO) limits and structure of turbulent premixed flames were investigated with vapourised liquid fuels stabilized by a bluff-body burner. Ethanol, heptane, and two kerosenes were used. In order to facilitate comparisons to gaseous-fueled flames, results were also obtained from methane flames. The measured LBO limits indicate that, for this burner, the ethanol and heptane flames are more resilient to blow-off than the kerosene fuels. Furthermore, a correlation based on a Damköhler number (Da), which is proportional to the laminar flame speed, does not lead to the successful collapse of the different fuels, indicating that the Da correlations based on laminar flame speed is not applicable. Average OH* chemiluminescence images of the ethanol and heptane flames are qualitatively similar to that from methane: the flame brushes of both exhibit an M-shape when close to blow-off. In contrast, the distribution of OH* signal in the kerosene flames is primarily concentrated in regions further downstream of the bluff body. Ultimately, the results of this effort highlight the influence fuel-type has on the LBO of bluff-body stabilized flames. Moreover, this work indicates the LBO behavior of flames produced with complex hydrocarbon fuels cannot be fully understood via high-temperature chemistry concepts such as the laminar flame speed. Turbulent premixed combustion, blow-off scaling, Vapourise kerosene