We show that there is an absolute c ą 0 such that if A is a finite set of integers then there is a set S Ă A of size at least log 1`c 3 |A| such that the restricted sumset ts`s 1 : s, s 1 P S and s ‰ s 1 u is disjoint from A.In the other direction, Erdős and Moser showed that MpAq Ñ 8 as |A| Ñ 8, and Klarner showed that MpAq " Ωplog |A|q (both results are mentioned on [Erd65, p187] though the proofs, or at least Klarner's, seem to have been lost [Cho71, :, p630]). Ruzsa 1 Equivalently [BSS99, Corollary 1]. 1 7 The current best bounds there are due to Bloom [Blo16] and imply that F 1 pα, 2q ď exppα´1´o p1q q. 8 Our argument is slightly sloppier which we can afford because of the strength of Proposition 2.7.