We propose a protocol based on coherent states and linear optics operations for solving the appointmentscheduling problem. Our main protocol leaks strictly less information about each party's input than the optimal classical protocol, even when considering experimental errors. Along with the ability to generate constant-amplitude coherent states over two modes, this protocol requires the ability to transfer these modes back-and-forth between the two parties multiple times with low coupling loss. The implementation requirements are thus still challenging. Along the way, we develop new tools to study quantum information cost of interactive protocols in the finite regime. communication channels (see, for example, [1, 2]). If we wish to limit Alice and Bob to quantum operations that should be experimentally accessible in the near future, can they still hope to achieve a quantum advantage in terms of information leakage?We show that indeed they can. More precisely, we focus on quantum protocols requiring coherent state messages over two optical modes that are manipulated with linear optics operations and do not require any pre-shared entanglement or any quantum memory from honest participants. We compare such protocols with the best classical protocols for which we allow both local and shared randomness for free in order to minimize the information leakage. We also allow these classical resources to be used in our quantum protocols, appropriately accounting for them while quantifying information leakage. We find that indeed, with experimental parameters that are challenging but should be reachable in the near future, it is possible to obtain such a quantum advantage in terms of information leakage. In fact, since we are mainly concerned with privacy here, Alice and Bob could be close to each other, in the same lab, and keep their inputs private but still have close-by set-ups which would perform much better than our data for clearly separated set-ups.The problem we focus on is that of appointment scheduling: Alice and Bob each hold a calendar of their availabilities, and they wish to find a date of common availability, or agree that no such date exists. Viewing their inputs x, y of available dates as subsets of a calendar [n] = {1, 2, · · · , n} on n dates, they wish to output an element i ∈ x ∩ y if such an i exists, or else output ∅ if x ∩ y = ∅. This problem, and in particular its binary variant, is one of the most well-studied problems in communication and information complexity.It is known that quantum protocols can provide a quadratic speed-up in terms of information leakage for this problem [3,4,5]. It is also known that interaction is necessary to get an advantage over classical protocols [6,7,8]. As it turns out, for our protocols, interaction poses a challenge in a realistic experimental setting: more interaction also implies more losses over the communication channels. We show that there is nevertheless some regime for which we can obtain a quantum advantage.Hence, our work is the first to propose an optica...