Co. q SPE Member %Pyright 19S5, Scs5etyof Petroleum Engineers Fhispapar was prepared for presentation at the Wth Annual Technical Conference and Exhibitionof the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Las k!gss, NV .%ptembar 22-25, 1985. rhis paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contsinad in an abstract submitted by the luthor(a). tintents of the~r, ss presented, have not been reviewed by the Sodety of Petroleum En9inaem and are Subiec! to Comsoficm W the wthor(s). The msterial, as presented, does not necessarily reffecfany positionof the Sodety of Petroleum Engineers, ita officers, or members. Papers >reeented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Commifteea of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restrictedto an abstract of not more than 303 words. Illustrafiina may notbe copied. The abstract shouldcontain oonapicuousacknowledgmentOfwhere md bv whom the oaoer is oresented. Write Publications Manager, SPE, ABSTRACT The prob