We estimate the dementia incidence hazard in Germany for the birth cohorts 1900 until 1954 from a simple sample of Germany’s largest health insurance company. Followed from 2004 to 2012, 36,000 uncensored dementia incidences are observed and further 200,000 right-censored insurants included. From a multiplicative hazard model we find a positive and linear trend in the dementia hazard over the cohorts. The main focus of the study is on 11,000 left-censored persons who have already suffered from the disease in 2004. After including the left-censored observations, the slope of the trend declines markedly due to Simpson’s paradox, left-censored persons are imbalanced between the cohorts. When including left-censoring, the dementia hazard increases differently for different ages, we consider omitted covariates to be the reason. For the standard errors from large sample theory, left-censoring requires an adjustment to the conditional information matrix equality.