We show that the quantum relaxation process in a classically chaotic open dynamical system is characterized by a quantum relaxation time scale tq. This scale is much shorter than the Heisenberg time and much larger than the Ehrenfest time: tq ∝ g α where g is the conductance of the system and the exponent α is close to 1/2. As a result, quantum and classical decay probabilities remain close up to values P ∼ exp − √ g similarly to the case of open disordered systems.PACS numbers: 05.45.+b, 03.65.Sq Recently there has been a considerable interest in the statistical properties of the poles of the S matrix in mesoscopic quantum dots coupled to conducting metallic leads [1,2]. The statistical properties of these poles determine the effective life time of particles inside the dot and therefore are directly related to the conductance fluctuations and current relaxation inside the dot. In fact, the problem of current relaxation in diffusive mesoscopic samples connected to leads has been addressed long time ago [3]. Recently the interest to this problem was renewed and new effective methods based on the supersymmetry approach have been developed to study the problem in more detail [4]. For quasi one-dimensional metallic samples the results of [3,4] predict that the current in the sample, being proportional to the probability P (t) to stay inside the sample, will decay, up to a very long time, in an exponential way according to the classical solution of diffusive equation which describes the electron dynamics in disordered metallic samples: P (t) ∼ exp (−t/t c ). Here t c ∼ t D = N 2 /D is the diffusion time for a system of size N with diffusion coefficient D.According to [3,4] the strong deviation of quantum probability P q from its classical value P takes place only for t > t H where the quantum probability decays as P q (t) ∼ exp (−g ln 2 (t/t H )). Here, t H = 1/∆(h = 1) is the Heisenberg time, ∆ is the level spacing inside the sample and g = t H /t c = E c /∆ is the conductance of the sample with Thouless energy E c = 1/t c . At time t H , ln P q (t H )/ ln P (t H ) ∼ 2. As it was pointed out recently [5], less strong deviations (ln(P q (t q )/P (t q )) ∼ 1) should take place at a shorter time t q ∼ t c √ g due to weak localization corrections according to equations obtained in [4]. Up to now these theoretical predictions for open systems have not been checked neither by numerical computations nor by laboratory experiments. Also the above results are based on an ensemble averaging over disorder and their validity for a quantum dynamical system which has one fixed classical limit is not evident. The investigation of this problem is also interesting from the viewpoint of semiclassical correspondence in a regime with exponentially fast spreading of narrow wavepackets due to which the Ehrenfest time scale [6] is very short: t E ∼ ln N/Λ where Λ is the Liapunov exponent.In this paper we study the quantum relaxation process in a dynamical model of quantum chaos where diffusion is caused by the underlying classical chaot...