Jeffrey, S.R., Gibson, R.R. and Faminow, M.D., 1992. Nearly optimal lincar programming as a guide to agricultural planning. Agric. Econ., 8: 1-19.Linear prograrnming has long been used as a tool in agricultural planning. This paper presents and discusses a technique that can be used in conjunction with lincar programming to evaluate 'nearly optimal' solutions. This technique is refcrred to as Ncarly Optimal Linear Programming or Modelling to Generate Alternatives (MGA). MGA allows planners to incorporate important objectives that are difficult to include in a mathematical mode! by identifying and evaluating alternative 'nearly optimal' solutions. Sorne of thcse alternative solutions may he consistent with the goals or objectives of decision makers.To date, MGA has received little use in addressing agricultural planning problcms, A micro-level application of MGA, concerning a dairy ration formulation problem, is presented to demonstrate the relevance of MGA to agricultural planning by decision rnakers. Within this application, the use of MGA to complement and cnhancc normal Iincar programming analysis is also discussed.