In light of the latest neutrino oscillation data, we examine whether the leptonic flavor mixing matrix can take on an exact form of tri-bimaximal (TBM), golden-ratio (GR) or bimaximal (BM) mixing pattern at a superhigh-energy scale, where such a mixing pattern could be realized by a flavor symmetry, and become compatible with experimental data at the low-energy scale. Within the framework of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the only hope for realizing such a possibility is to count on the corrections from the renomalization-group (RG) running. In this work we focus on these radiative corrections, and fully explore the allowed parameter space for each of these mixing patterns. We find that when the upper bound on the sum of neutrino masses Σ ν ≡ m 1 + m 2 + m 3 < 0.23 eV at the 95% confidence level from Planck 2015 is taken into account, none of these mixing patterns can be identified as the leptonic mixing matrix below the seesaw threshold. If this cosmological upper bound on the sum of neutrino masses were relaxed, the TBM and GR mixing patterns would still be compatible with the latest neutrino oscillation data at the 3σ level, but not at the 1σ level. Even in this case, no such a possibility exists for the BM mixing.