Dakin CJ, Luu BL, van den Doel K, Inglis JT, Blouin J-S. Frequency-specific modulation of vestibular-evoked sway responses in humans. J Neurophysiol 103: 1048 -1056, 2010. First published December 23, 2009 doi:10.1152/jn.00881.2009. Galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) results in characteristic muscle and whole-body responses in humans maintaining standing balance. However, the relationship between these two vestibular-evoked responses remains elusive. This study seeks to determine whether mechanical filtering from conversion of lower-limb muscle activity to body sway, during standing balance, can be used to attenuate sway while maintaining biphasic lower-limb muscle responses using frequency-limited stochastic vestibular stimulation (SVS). We hypothesized that SVS deprived of frequencies Ͻ2 Hz would evoke biphasic muscle responses with minimal whole-body sway due to mechanical filtering of the higher-frequency muscle responses. Subjects were exposed to five stimulus bandwidths: two meant to induce sway responses (0 -1 and 0 -2 Hz) and three to dissociate vestibular-evoked muscle responses from whole-body sway (0 -25, 1-25, and 2-25 Hz). Two main results emerged: 1) SVS-related sway was attenuated when frequencies Ͻ2 Hz were excluded, whereas multiphasic muscle and force responses were retained; and 2) the gain of the estimated transfer functions exhibited successive low-pass filtering of vestibular stimuli during conversion to muscle activity, anteroposterior (AP) moment, and sway. This successive low-pass filtering limited the transfer of signal power to frequencies Ͻ20 Hz in muscle activity, Ͻ5 Hz in AP moment, and Ͻ2 Hz in AP trunk sway. Consequently, the present results show that SVS delivered at frequencies Ͼ2 Hz to standing humans do not cause a destabilizing whole-body sway response but are associated with the typical biphasic lower-limb muscle responses.