“…In Orchidaceae, nectar is the most common floral food-reward, and here, perigonal nectaries located on the labellum predominate ( Bernardello, 2007 ; Davies and Stpiczyńska, 2008 ). They may occur in shallow depressions, as in Epipactis ( Pais, 1987 ; Kowalkowska et al, 2015 ), on the labellar callus, as in Maxillaria anceps ( Davies et al, 2005 ), in the median furrow of the labellum, as in Listera ( van der Cingel, 2001 ) and Bulbophyllum ( Stpiczyńska et al, 2015 , 2018 ), in the labellum base, as in Cleistes ( Pansarin et al, 2012 ), Elleanthus ( Nunes et al, 2013 ) and Psilochilus ( Pansarin and Amaral, 2008a ), but also on the column, as in Maxillaria coccinea and Ornithidium sophronitis ( Stpiczyńska et al, 2004 , 2009 ), or in the mentum, as in Dendrobium finisterrae ( Kamińska and Stpiczyńska, 2011 ). However, the most frequently encountered type of nectary, occurring both in this enormous family and also in other angiosperms, is the nectary spur, which is present in at least 0.60% of angiosperm genera ( Mack, 2013 ; Mack and Davis, 2015 ).…”