Small mammals are found naturally infected by Schistosoma mansoni, becoming a confounding factor for control programs of schistosomiasis in endemic areas. The aims of this study were: to investigate the infection rates by S. mansoni on the water-rat Nectomys squamipes during four years in endemic areas of Sumidouro, state of Rio de Janeiro, using mark-recapture technique; to compare two diagnostic methods for schistosomiasis; and to evaluate the effects of the chemotherapy in the human infected population on the rodent infection rates. The rodent infection rates of S. mansoni increased when rodent population sizes were lower. Coprology and serology results presented the same trends along time and were correlated. Serology could detect recent infection, including the false negatives in the coprology. The chemotherapy in the humans could not interrupt the rodent infection. Rodents can increase the schistosomiaisis transmission where it already exists, they probably maintain the transmission cycle in the nature and can be considered as biological indicators of the transmission sites of this parasite since they are highly susceptible to infection. The water-rats may present different levels of importance in the transmission dynamics of S. mansoni infection cycle for each area, and can be considered important wild-reservoirs of this human disease.Key words: diagnostic methods -population ecology -rodents -schistosomiasis Small mammals are found naturally infected by Schistosoma mansoni, becoming a confounding factor for control programs of schistosomiasis in endemic areas (Barbosa et al. 1958, Antunes et al. 1971, Rey 1993. Among the extra-human definitive hosts of this parasite, rodents of the genera Nectomys and Holochilus are the most probable wild reservoirs taking into account: (1) their semiaquatic habits (Ernest & Mares 1986), which make them highly exposed to infection; (2) their wide geographic distribution (Bonvicino 1994) coincident with the distribution of schistosomiasis in Brazil; (3) presence of infected individuals in most of the endemic areas where they were investigated, despite of the low human prevalence -rodents frequently showing higher infection rates in relation to human populations (Rey 1993); (4) rodent tolerance to human presence, occurring near human dwellings. Several experimental studies also support the hypothesis that water-rats are probable wild reservoirs of S. mansoni, showing high susceptibility to infection (Borda 1972, Souza et al. 1992, Maldonado Jr. et al. 1994, Ribeiro et al. 1998, somatic development hypertrophy of adult worms , elimination of viable eggs with high infectivity potential (Picot 1992), high infection persistence , low pathogenicity with efficient peri-ovular modulation and low tissue aggression (Silva & Andrade 1989), and ability to close the transmission cycle in semi-natural conditions (Antunes et al. 1973, Carvalho et al. 1976, Kawazoe & Pinto 1983. Infection of small mammals other than Nectomys and Holochilus by S. mansoni occurs only occasionally, especial...