Drug repositioning, discovering new indications for existing drugs, is known to solve the bottleneck of drug discovery and development. To support a task of drug repositioning, many in silico methods have been proposed for predicting drug-disease associations. A meta-path based approach, which extracts network-based information through paths from a drug to a disease, can produce comparable performance with less required information when compared to other approaches. However, existing metapath based methods typically use counts of extracted paths and discard information of intermediate nodes in those paths although they are very important indicators, such as drug-and disease-associated proteins. Herein, we propose an ensemble learning method with Meta-path based Gene ontology Profiles for predicting Drug-Disease Associations (MGP-DDA). We exploit gene ontology (GO) terms to link drugs and diseases to their associated functions and act as intermediate nodes in a drug-GO-disease tripartite network. For each drug-disease pair, MGP-DDA utilizes meta-paths to generate novel profiles of GO functions, termed as meta-path based GO profiles. We train bagging and boosting classifiers with those novel features to recognize known (positive) from unknown (unlabeled) drug-disease associations. Consequently, MGP-DDA outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and yields the precision of 88.6%. By MGP-DDA, the eminent number of new drug-disease associations with supporting evidence in ClinicalTrials.gov (37.7%) ensures the practicality of our method in drug repositioning. INDEX TERMS Drug-disease association, drug repositioning, ensemble learning, gene ontology profile, meta-path, tripartite network.