This study aimed to determine the motives for undertaking prosthetic treatment at the Prosthetics Clinic of the Poznan University of Medical Sciences (PUMS), pursued by fifth- and sixth-year medicine and dentistry students. The survey consisted of 18 questions, of which 1 to 11 concerned general patient data, while questions 12 to 18 concerned prosthetic treatment. The only open question in the questionnaire was one regarding the motives for the decision to receive treatment. The study group consisted of 153 patients (102 women—66.67% and 51 men—33.33%) of the Prosthetic Clinic. After collecting a total of 200 questionnaires, rejecting 47 (23.50%) due to the lack of answers to all questions (other than question 18), a total of 153 completed (76.50%) questionnaires were obtained. The main motivating factors for patients to undertake prosthetic treatment are functional and aesthetic considerations. In addition, it turned out, that the authority of the university unit is of greater importance than financial issues. Additionally, some patients undergo treatment by students because they can see positive aspects in it, both for them and for students. Hence, the evaluation of the treatment provided by students, as well as their communication skills and their attitude, are rated very highly, although, again, the evaluation was influenced by the education level.