The zero-temperature phase diagram of the spin-1 2 J 1-J 2-J ⊥ 1 model on an AA-stacked square-lattice bilayer is studied using the coupled cluster method implemented to very high orders. Both nearest-neighbor (NN) and frustrating next-nearest-neighbor Heisenberg exchange interactions, of strengths J 1 > 0 and J 2 ≡ κJ 1 > 0, respectively, are included in each layer. The two layers are coupled via a NN interlayer Heisenberg exchange interaction with a strength J ⊥ 1 ≡ δJ 1. The magnetic order parameter M (viz., the sublattice magnetization) is calculated directly in the thermodynamic (infinite-lattice) limit for the two cases when both layers have antiferromagnetic ordering of either the Néel or the striped kind, and with the layers coupled so that NN spins between them are either parallel (when δ < 0) or antiparallel (when δ > 0) to one another. Calculations are performed at nth order in a well-defined sequence of approximations, which exactly preserve both the Goldstone linked-cluster theorem and the Hellmann-Feynman theorem, with n 10. The sole approximation made is to extrapolate such sequences of nth-order results for M to the exact limit n → ∞. By thus locating the points where M vanishes, we calculate the full phase boundaries of the two collinear AFM phases in the κ-δ half-plane with κ > 0. In particular, we provide the accurate estimate (κ ≈ 0.547, δ ≈ −0.45) for the position of the quantum triple point (QTP) in the region δ < 0. We also show that there is no counterpart of such a QTP in the region δ > 0, where the two quasiclassical phase boundaries show instead an "avoided crossing" behavior, such that the entire region that contains the nonclassical paramagnetic phases is singly connected.