Aim: To study the effect of nano nitrogen and nano zinc on the growth and yield of sweetcorn (variety KSP-5389) in Inceptisol of Odisha.
Experimental design: The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications and eight treatments. The treatments details were T1-Absolute control, T2- RDF (Recommended dose of N: P2O5: K2O :: 80: 40: 40), T3- RDF + Zn @ 5 kg ha-1 , T4- 50 % N + N foliar spray ( Vegetative Stage), T5- 50% N + N foliar spray ( Vegetative Stage + Tasselling), T6- 50% N + N foliar spray ( Vegetative Stage + Tasselling) + Zn foliar spray (Silking stage), T7- 50% N + N foliar spray ( Vegetative Stage + Tasselling) + Zn foliar spray (Silking+Milking), T8- N spray ( Veg+ Tasselling ) + Zn spray (Silking+ Dough). P & K was common to all treatment except control.
Place and duration of study: A field experiment was conducted during Rabi season, February 2022 at khujimahal, Chandaka, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar Odisha.
Results: The results showed that highest biological yield (1685 kgha-1) was found in the application of (50% N with two foliar sprays of nano N at vegetative and tasselling stage and two foliar spray of nano Zn @4ml L-1 at silking and milking stage). Whereas lowest cobyield (691 kg ha-1) was observed in absolute control. Compare with recommended dose of fertilizer with Zn, the application of 50% N with Nano N and Nano Zn as double foliar spray, the yield was increased by 41% whereas 26% yield increase by single foliar application of nano Zn.
Conclusion: Highest harvest index HI was found in the application of 50% N with two foliar sprays of nano N at vegetative and tasselling stage and two sprays of nano Zn @4 ml L-1 at silking and milking stage and lowest in control. Application of 50% N with two foliar sprays of nano N at vegetative and tasselling stage and two spray of nano Zn @4ml l-1 at silking and dough stage (T8) helps in increasing the yield of sweet corn as well as nutrient concentration and nutrient uptake followed by T7 (50 % N + N foliar spray at vegetative stage @ 4ml l-1 + Zn spray at Silking and Milking stage).