Objective: Egypt is one of the hot spots in the international map of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is where hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is the major risk factor in development of HCC (80%). Due to low organ donation rates and lack of deceased liver transplantation, hepatic resection is the main line of treatment for HCC patients with sufficient liver reserve. We introduce our experience with patients who had HCV related HCC who underwent hepatic resection to determine various predictors of tumour recurrence in this group. This is the first study to come from a country where chronic HCV hepatitis is endemic.
Materials and Methods:This is a retrospective cohort study of 208 cases of HCC in hepatitis C virus positive patients with cirrhotic livers who underwent first-time liver resection, in Gastroenterology Surgical Centre, Mansoura University, Egypt during the period from January 2002 to December 2011. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess normality of data. Predictors of HCC recurrence were assessed by bivariate correlation tests, univariate analysis using the chi-square and t-test and binary logistic regression analysis. A P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Tumour recurrence occurred in 88 patients (42.3%). Most of the recurrences occurred within the first year 55 patients (62.5%). The most common site for recurrence was the liver (n=68, 77.3%). Based on the univariate analysis; significant variables predicting tumor recurrence were alpha feto-protein (AFP), blood transfusion, multifocality, cut margin, microvascular invasion, lack of capsule, tumour grade and stage. Based on multivariate analysis, the main variables predicting tumor recurrence were blood transfusion, cut margin, tumour capsule and microvascular invasion.
Conclusion:Although the predictors of recurrence are the same for both HBV and HCV related HCC, the rate and aggressiveness of recurrence are higher in HCV related HCC.Key Words: HCV related HCCs, liver resection, recurrent HCC Özet Amaç: Mısır; hepatit C virüsü (HCV) enfeksiyonunun Hepatocellular karsinomun (HCC) görülmesinde önemli (% 80) bir risk faktörü olduğu, uluslararası HCC haritasındaki sıcak noktalardan biridir. Organ bağışı oranlarının düşük olması ve kadavradan karaciğer nakli eksikliği sebebiyle, karaciğer rezeksiyonu, yeterli karaciğer rezervi olan HCC hastalarının tedavisinde ana yöntemdir. Bu grupta HCV'ye bağlı HCC'si olan hastalarda tümör nüksünün çeşitli faktörlerini araştırmak için karaciğer rezeksiyonu deneyimimizi aktarmak amacındayız. Bu, kronik HCV hepatitinin endemik olduğu bir ülkeden gelen ilk çalış-madır.
Gereç ve Yöntem:Bu, Ocak 2002-Aralık 2011 süresince Mısır'ın Mansoura Üniversitesi, Gastroenterolojik Cerrahi Merkezinde ilk kez karaciğer rezeksiyonu yapılan sirotik karaciğerli HCC, hepatit C virüsü pozitif hastalarda 208 vakanın retrospektif kohort çalışmasıdır. Verilerin normalliğini değerlendirmek için Shapiro-Wilk testi kullanılmıştır. HCC nüks prediktörleri ikili korelasyon testleri, tek değişkenli ki-kare ve...