The presence of free spins in granular Al films is directly demonstrated by µSR measurements. A Mott transition is observed by probing the increase of the spin-flip scattering rate of conduction electrons as the nano-size metallic grains are being progressively decoupled. Analysis of the magnetoresistance in terms of an effective Fermi energy shows that it becomes of the order of the grains electrostatic charging energy at a room temperature resistivity ρ ≈ 50, 000 µΩ cm, at which a metal to insulator transition is known to exist. As this transition is approached the magneto-resistance exhibits a Heavy-Fermion like behavior, consistent with an increased electron effective mass.PACS numbers: 74.81. Bd, 71.30.+h, 72.15.Qm, 74.25.Ha Thanks to advances in the development of the Density functional Mean Field Theory (DMFT) [1], considerable advances have been made in recent years towards a detailed understanding of the Mott metal to insulator transition, predicted to occur when the electron-electron interaction is of the order of the bandwidth [2]. However the experimental observation of this transition has remained a challenge in three dimensional systems. This is because in a homogeneous metal the Coulomb interaction is by several orders of magnitude smaller than the bandwidth, even in the presence of a relatively high concentration of impurities [3,4].We show here that a Mott transition takes place in granular metals, as nano-size grains are being decoupled from each other by a progressive reduction of the intergrain tunneling probability. Two of the main features of this transition predicted by DMFT theory, an increase of the electron effective mass and a non-critical behavior of the electronic density of states as the transition is approached, have been observed. These observations have been made possible by the presence of free spins in granular Aluminum films, which we confirm here by direct µSR measurements. Interaction of these spins with conduction electrons results in a negative magneto-resistance [5]. We have used it as a tool to follow changes of the effective Fermi energy of the granular medium as the transition is being approached. When it occurs, at a room temperature resistivity of about 50,000 µΩcm, we find that the effective Fermi energy is of the order of the grain's charging electrostatic energy. The superconducting critical temperature of the films remains relatively high up to close to the transition, indicating there is no drastic reduction of the density of states up to the transition.Low energy muon spin rotation/relaxation (LE µSR) experiments [6] were performed on film not too close to the MIT transition. The measurements were performed at the Swiss Muon Source on the µE4 beam-line, at the Paul Scherrer Institute, in Switzerland. With implantation energy of 10 keV all the muons stop in the 100 nm FIG. 1. Temperature dependence of the muon spin relaxation rate of electronic origin λ for a sample with ρ300K ≈ 140 µΩcm. λ appears to saturate around a temperature where ρ(T ) starts to increa...