Parameters of DNA double strand break (dsb) repair catalysed by human nuclear extract were analysed using, as substrate, the replicative form (RF) of M13 mp8 in which a single double strand break (dsb) was introduced by restriction. After incubation with the extract, the dsb repair was estimated by the ability of the incubated RF to produce plaques following transfection into JM 109 (Rec A-) bacteria. The possibility of recombination with a purified fragment from M13 mp8 RF enhances up to 20 times the plaquing ability of the RF. The repair by recombination occurs under several conditions: i) the break in the RF must be located in the region of homology with the fragment. ii) the fragment has to be intact in the region corresponding to the break in the RF. iii) a minimal length of homology between the region surrounding the dsb in the RF, and the fragment is required. The in vitro reaction is ATP dependent and dNTP's partially dependent. Dephosphorylation of the free ends in the RF decreases the repair by ligation but is without effect on the recombination.