IRRADIATION CHARACTERISTIC OF NATURAL UO 2 PIN PHWR TARGET AT PRTF OF RSG -GAS CORE.The RSG-GAS reactor has a facility for irradiation of the fuel pin of nuclear power reactor, namely Power Ramp Test Facility (PRTF). The in-house fabrication PWR fuel pin has prepared for irradiations in the PRTF facility, currently, while the various enrichments of uranium are analyzed using the analytical tool. In the next step, it is planned to perform an irradiation of PHWR fuel pin sample of natural UO 2 in the facility. Before irradiation in the core, it should be analyzed by using the analytical tool. The objectives of this paper are to optimize irradiation time based on the burn-up, the generated linear power and the neutron flux level at the target. The 3-dimension calculations have been carried out by using the CITATION code in the SRAC2006 code system. Since the coolant of the reactor is H 2 O, the effect of moderators in the pressurized tube, H 2 O and D 2 O, were analyzed, as well as pellet radius and moderator densities. The calculation results show that the higher linear power as irradiation time longer is occurred preferably in the D 2 O moderator than in H 2 O. For the D 2 O moderator, the higher pressure affects the lower density and longer irradiation time. The maximum irradiation time for natural UO 2 fuel pin with the pressurized D 2 O moderator is about 9.5×10 4 h, with the linear power of 700 W/cm. During irradiation, neutronic parameters of the core such as excess reactivity and ppf show a very small change, still far below design value.Keywords: PHWR, Neutron Flux, Thermal Power, PRTF, RSG-GAS ABSTRAK KARAKTERISTIK IRADIASI TARGET PIN PHWR UO 2 ALAM PADA PRTF TERAS RSG -GAS.
Teras RSG-GAS dilengkapi dengan fasilitas untuk uji iradiasi bahan bakar nuklir atau disebut dengan Power Ramp Test Fasility (PRTF). Saat ini sedang dilpersiapkan untuk dilakukan uji sample pin bahan bakar PWR pada fasilitas PRTF. Analisis terhadap uji iradiasi sample pellet UO 2 dengan berbagai pengkayaan telah dilakukan menggunakan paket program komputer. Dimasa yang akan datang, uji iradiasi pin bahan bakar PHWR UO 2 alam juga sedang dalam perencanaan. Sebelum diiradiasi di dalam teras, maka terlebih dahulu harus dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan paket program komputer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah optimasi uji iradiasi pin bahan bakar UO 2 alam sebagai fungsi waktu iradiasi berdasarkan burn-up, daya linier dan fluks neutron. Perhitungan teras RSG-GAS dilakukan