REVIEWAbstract-: Pressure ulcers are a highly prevalent source of morbidity with an equally high incidence of up to 38.0% amongst different categories of healthcare institutions. Therefore, the management and therapeutic approach toward these often hospital-or facility-acquired problems remain critical aspects of long-term care. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has proven effective in addressing the barriers to pressure ulcer healing including increasing blood flow to previously ischemic wound areas by generating subatmospheric pressure which vacuums in circulation. The objective of this study was to compare negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) versus surgical wounds healing by secondary intention (SWHSI). A systematic literature search was conducted using the PubMed and Scopus search engine up until the 20 Th January 2017 including the terms: "negative pressure wound therapy" and "pressure ulcers". In this systematic review, six randomized controlled trials were included. NPWT is deemed appropriate and effective method and widely used by clinicians to promote the healing of wounds and ulcers of different etiology. The heterogeneity found in individual trials regarding the inclusion criteria, therapeutic procedures, the criteria and methods of outcome evaluation, however, did not allow for a data evaluation with statistically valid conclusions. It is reasonable to assume that a subset of patients with pressure ulcers can be effectively treated with NPWT, with optimal results and good cost-benefit ratio, also with respect to the quality of life.