Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out on pure Nickel (Ni) crystal with face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice upon application of uniaxial tension at nanolevel with a speed of 20 m / s. The deformation corresponds to the direction <001>. To the calculated block of crystal free boundary conditions are applied in the directions <100>, <010>. A manybody interatomic potential for Ni within the second-moment approximation of the tight-binding model (the Cleri and Rosato potentials) was employed to carry out three dimensional MD simulations. A computer experiment is performed at a temperature corresponding to 10K, 300K and 1000K. MD simulation used to investigate the effect of length of Ni nanowire on the nature of deformation and fracture. The feature of deformation energy can be divided into four regions: quasi-elastic, plastic, flow and failure. The nature of deformation, slipping, twinning and necking were studied. Stress decreased with increasing volume. The results showed that breaking position depended on the nanowire length.