This research explores the relation between a crisis and public discussion on related issues. In organisational crisis communication, a singleissue strategy is often proposed. Such a strategy, however, may not be adequate in more complex crises where the crisis lifecycle is likely to encompass shorter lifecycles of issues that generate media attention. Decomposing the online crisis debate into a pattern of issues supports understanding of public perceptions, and hence of crisis response and communication. This is investigated through an analysis of Facebook posts prompted by the loss of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in 2014. The analysis shows that during the life of the crisis a variety of related issues arose that became topics of public debate. Compassion for victims dominated in the early stages of the crisis, while later on reputation-related issues took over. The insights gained help in understanding the results of social media monitoring during complex organisational crises and facilitate organisational decision making. Jari Veijalainen, PhD, is a Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. His research focuses on heterogeneous transaction management, transaction models and mechanisms for computer supported cooperative work, workflow systems and electronic commerce systems, formal modelling, mobile computing, software engineering, mobile multimedia data management, and social media analysis.