Technologies that control the chemical composition of white lighting-emitting diodes are promising means to enhance thermal properties and renew spectra generation. Although (oxy)nitride red phosphors have been available for more than a decade, the drawbacks of these devices still evidently remain with respect to the local environments of activators in a variety of nitridosilicates. Thermal effects, such as, thermal quenching, thermal ionization, and thermal degradation, are technologically important parameters that determine product reliability. In recent years, red phosphors, which can alter novel complexes with particular wavelengths, have been easily synthesized and used to minimize losses during energy conversion process. Silicon nitride ceramics contain a more highly condensed network compared with silicate because of the higher degree of cross-linking, edge-sharing SiN 4 tetrahedron, and more covalent and stronger crystal field splitting. To provide a reasonable explanation for the relationship between photoluminescence and structure, an empirical model has been proposed, in which the changes in the chemical environment of the activators are attributed to strains resulting from atom displacements. In addition, the development of high-efficiency and cost-effective light-emitting diodes based on these luminescent materials has difficult challenges.