Theoretical computer science has been occupied with formal methods since the beginning. It has had its share of challenges, though. Often, excessive additional work is required to re-specify applications precisely in a new formalism, so that they can be analyzed algorithmically. With more model-based software engineering, this may have changed. In many instances, specifications are now complete and updated throughout the systems development life-cycle, primarily to drive rather than to document the process. Thus, formal approaches have become more realistic. This paper looks at one experiment with automatic usability evaluation, based on a structured user interface specification. It shows that there are promising results ahead. Examples of automatic usability evaluation based on a widely-use userinterface specification language are presented. Benefits of formal specification cannot be reaped,however, unless this approach is bolstered by a purposeful design of the modeling techniques and languages themselves. Thus, some requirements of the formalisms for model-based usability engineering conclude the paper.