Abstract. Sponges can serve as hosts to invertebrate assemblages that live and reproduce within them. Sponges also constitute a major part of the benthic epifaunal community on the continental shelf of the southeastern United States; however, little is known about these sponges and the assemblages they harbor. In this study, the associated fauna from a variety of sponges and one species of tunicate collected by submersible from the continental shelf and slope of the southeastern United States at depths in the range 18–875 m were examined. Seventeen sponges, comprising eight species (Ircinia campana, Topsentia sp., Geodia sp., Characella sp., Erylus sp., Apylsina archeri, Cliona sp., and Pheronema carpenteri), and three tunicate colonies (Didemnidae) were fully dissected and all associated organisms were identified and counted. Additionally, the sponges Pheronema annae (951 m) and P. carpenteri (770 m) represent new records for the region. The diversity (H′) and density of associates varied considerably among hosts; the densities of associates ranged 0.4–11,684 per 1 L of host volume. Polychaete worms were the most common organisms found, with one species, Haplosyllis spongicola, being especially abundant in I. campana, Topsentia sp., and Cliona sp. The amphipods Ericthonius punctatus and Leucothoe cf. spinicarpa, as well as decapods such as snapping shrimp (Synalpheus sp.) and crabs (e.g., Pilumnus floridana, Micropanope urinator), were also common. The number of symbiont taxa did not significantly increase as the sponge size increased. However, weak positive trends were found between the diversity of associates and increasing canal diameter. Sponges and tunicates were judged to represent legitimate ecological communities harboring a complete food web as well as gravid and juvenile individuals.