In development of a known method of an regenerative amplification of low-power picosecond pulses (the injection seeding method) its modification -the method of injection locking (IL) of master laser with the amplifying laser (laser with short-term resonance modulation of losses -STRML-laser) is offered. The use of the STRML-laser as the regenerative amplifier allows to lower a level ofthe laser -injector power on two -fourorder. For the neodymium laser with an output pulse energy 1-2 J this power can be lowered up to 1 W, and the reliable capture can be carried out with 5W. It enables to realize the circuit of self-injection in the STRML-laser by adding a nonlinear passive modulator in a cavity. Thus at a beginning of linear stage it is possible to "sow" pulses resulting in generation of much more short on a comparison with realized in a STRML-regime with preservation ofremaining positive qualities ofthis laser.On experimental established optical properties of a passive modulator on base of computer model of the STRMLlaser checked earlier by physical experiments a reality of a realization of this circuit numerically is confirmed. The experiments with film modulator convince of a possibility of a regenerative amplification of the picosecond ultra-short pulses (USP) in itself laser up to greatest possible (from reasons of optical durability) energies.