A potential role for epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of mammary function in the dairy cow is emerging. Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in genome function that occur because of chemical changes rather than DNA sequence changes. DNA methylation is an epigenetic event that results in the silencing of gene expression and may be passed on to the next generation. However, recent studies investigating different physiological states and changes in milk protein gene expression suggest that DNA methylation may also play an acute, regulatory, role in gene transcription. This overview will highlight the role of DNA methylation in the silencing of milk protein gene expression during mastitis and mammary involution. Moreover, environmental factors such as nutrition may induce epigenetic modifications of gene expression. The current research investigating the possibility of in utero, hence cross-generational, epigenetic modifications in dairy cows will also be discussed. Understanding how the mammary gland responds to environmental cues provides a potential to enhance milk production not only of the dairy cow but also of her daughter.Keywords: epigenetics, DNA methylation, transgeneration, milk production, dairy cows
ImplicationsEpigenetic regulation of gene expression is emerging as a hitherto unknown level of biological control. We will discuss how epigenetics may be part of the enormously complex regulatory pathways underpinning milk production. Not only may epigenetic regulation be directly involved in milk production of the mother ('acute epigenetics'), but it may also indirectly affect milk production in its offspring through transgenerational epigenetics, by effects on foetal development in utero. Gaining a clearer understanding of this level of regulatory control may lead to new insights in optimizing milk production not only in today's cows but also in future generations.
IntroductionMilk production in dairy cows is influenced by numerous factors, including the environment (e.g. nutrition, photoperiod and heat stress), hormones, local factors within the mammary gland (e.g. autocrine, paracrine and homeostatic feedback systems), diseases (e.g. mastitis) and management practises (e.g. milking frequency). At the cellular level, these factors influence both the number and the activity of the mammary epithelial cells that synthesize milk. Multiple cell signalling pathways have been identified that play a role in regulating milk synthesis (Suchyta et al., 2003;Connor et al., 2008;Finucane et al., 2008;Singh et al., 2008). At the initiation of lactation, the rapid increase to peak milk yield following parturition is primarily because of an increase in mammary epithelial activity in response to milking. The gradual decline in milk production following peak lactation is anomalous to gradual involution and is predominantly a result of mammary epithelial loss via apoptosis (Wilde et al., 1997;Capuco et al., 2001). Microarray studies on rodent (Master et al., 2002;Clarkson et al., 2004;Stein et al., 2004) an...