We have isolated from guinea-pig liver a broad-specificity beta-glucosidase of unknown function that utilizes as its substrate non-physiological aryl glycosides (e.g. 4-methylumbelliferyl beta-D-glucopyranoside, p-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucopyranoside). The present paper documents that this enzyme can be inhibited by various naturally occurring glycosides, including L-picein, dhurrin and glucocheirolin. In addition, L-picein, which acts as a competitive inhibitor of the broad-specificity beta-glucosidase (Ki 0.65 mM), is also a substrate for this enzyme (Km 0.63 mM; Vmax. 277,000 units/mg). Heat-denaturation, kinetic competition studies, chromatographic properties and pH optima all argue strongly that the broad-specificity beta-glucosidase is responsible for the hydrolysis of both the non-physiological aryl glycosides and L-picein. This paper demonstrates that beta-glucosidase can catalyse the hydrolysis of a natural glycoside, and may provide a key to understanding the function of this enigmatic enzyme. A possible role in the metabolism of xenobiotic compounds is discussed.