Numerous emergencies that are life-threatening might present in the newborn period of life. Thus, physicians need an in-depth understanding of such circumstances in order to treat critically ill neonates. Identification of these illnesses and choosing the appropriate course of action, which includes patient stabilization, differential diagnosis based on laboratory and imaging results, and well-guided therapy, are the responsibility of the emergency department staff. The most typical diagnoses in this kind of situation are severe bacterial infections, congenital heart illness, gastrointestinal crises (including malrotation with midgut volvulus, necrotizing enterocolitis, etc.), respiratory problems, neurologic abnormalities, and child abuse. Reviewing the most prevalent ailments of a severely unwell newborn in the emergency room is the major goal of this review article. In developing countries, neonatal mortality rates are a crucial determinant of their development. Management of emergencies especially in neonates can be very difficult and fatal if misdiagnosed. In this article, we will be discussing neonatal gastrointestinal (GI) emergencies.