A female baby with a severe thrombocytopenia at 18 × 109/l was born to a 29-year-old (gestation 2/partum 2) mother. Scattered petechiae were present on her legs, arms, chest and face, but there was no bleeding, infection, fever or hepatosplenomegaly. A platelet antibody screening immunocapture test was positive, which was performed on the mother’s serum 3, 12 and 38 days after delivery, but no platelet-specific antibodies were found by the monoclonal-antibody-specific immobilization of platelet antigen assay. The baby’s platelets and lymphocytes and the father’s platelets reacted strongly with the HLA antibodies present in the mother’s serum. The neonate was treated with intravenous human immunoglobulin (Tegeline®, 1 g/kg per day) 1, 2 and 3 days after delivery. The platelet count rose from 18 × 109/l on day 0 to 37 × 109/l on day 3 and to 227 × 109/l on day 12. No platelet transfusion was needed. Several factors which developed hereafter lead us to think that this neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia is due to the transplacental passage of maternal HLA antibodies to the baby.