“…Table 1 summarizes the inborn or acquired changes in children under 3 years of age including main characteristics such as alternative names, clinical characteristics, size, correlation with gender, localization, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. [5][6][7][8]; coloration: pink, blue-black, brown, depending on volume of blood present in the cyst's liquid [5,6,10] smooth reddish ulceration [20] with bite marks made by incisors [16,[20][21][22], on palpation well indurated [16,20], sometimes with infiltration deep under the muscle [22]; during palpation, usually painful [16,20,21,23,25]; may be covered with a yellowish [18,26] or glistening grey exudate [17,23] Conical [34,37,38], or typical for a normal tooth [35,39]; brownish, yellowish [35,38], or opaque white [40.41] enamel; poorly formed root [33,40]; mobility in grade 2 [39,41,42 Size diameter of about 2 cm [5,6] diameter from 12mm [16] to 40mm [18] typical like teeth erupted in the time or smaller [35,…”