Background: Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common form of paediatric malignancy, responsible for up to 15% of cancer deaths in children, whereas in adults, its onset is a rarer event, despite being characterized by greater lethality. The purpose of this case report was to describe the clinical presentation, physical examination, and clinical decision-making process in a patient with Neuroblastoma mimicking thoracic spine pain of musculoskeletal origin. Methods: a thirty-two-year-old mother complained of thoracic spine pain on her left vertebral side and in her left periscapular muscles; her pain was constant, deep, and worse at night; she also experienced pain during physical exertion of her upper limbs; the patient also reported pain in her left breast. Results: the physiotherapist’s anamnesis and physical examination led him to suspect the need for an extra-expertise pathology and to refer his patient to another medical specialist; the subsequent investigations revealed a poorly differentiated Neuroblastoma ALK + (IIC) in the posterior mediastinum on the left; the patient underwent surgery excision after 4 months. Conclusions: differential screening should be a physiotherapist’s fundamental skill in their patients’ clinical management, especially in direct access cases; the physiotherapist has an ethical and moral duty to conduct differential screening, in order to rule out extra-expertise pathologies—both when patients self-refer for rehabilitation assessment, and when they are referred by other practitioners.