Polychaetes of 31 species from 17 families (Amphinomidae, Chrysopetalidae, Eunicidae, Glyceridae, Hesionidae, Iphionidae, Lumbrineridae, Maldanidae, Nereididae, Oenonidae, Phyllodocidae, Polynoidae, Sabellidae, Serpulidae, Syllidae, Terebellidae, Trichobranchidae) were studied from five locations around Abu Musa Island, the Persian Gulf.Perinereis iranicasp. nov. is described as a new species for the Persian Gulf.Perinereis iranicasp. nov. is most similar to members of thePerinereis cultriferaspecies complex, which are also found in the Persian Gulf, but can be most easily distinguished from them by the number, shape and arrangement of paragnaths in Areas V and VI.Perinereis camiguanais compared to members of the genus Pseudonereis, and found to resemble them closely, but until type specimens can be re-examined, we recommend treating this species asNereidinae incertae sedis.Fifteen species, belonging to 13 genera:Eunice‘sp_Abu Musa’,Marphysa‘sp_Abu Musa’,Glyceracf.tesselata,Hesione splendida,Lumbrineris‘sp_Abu Musa’,Notoproctus‘sp_Abu Musa’,Nereissp. cf.N. pelagica,Eteone‘sp_Abu Musa’,Harmothoe liaoi,Potamilla‘sp_Abu Musa’,Branchiosylliscf.exilis,Trypanosyllis‘sp. 1_Abu Musa’,Trypanosyllis‘sp. 2_Abu Musa’,Terebella‘sp_Abu Musa’,Terebellidescf.stroemiare reported for the first time from the Persian Gulf; nine species remain to be named formally. Three genera:Notoproctus,Eteone,Terebellaare recorded for the first time from the Persian Gulf.