“…N-cadherin, amember of the calcium-dependent cadherin family of adhesion molecules [Takeichi, 19901, is also a potent neurite outgrowth-promoting substrate in culture [Bixby and Zhang, 19901. N-cadherin is expressed by neuronal and nonneuronal cells and may play a role in heterotypic cell-cell interactions [Neugebauer et al, 1988;Drazba and Lemmon, 1990;Letourneau et al, 1990;Takeichi, 19901. Laminin is an ECM molecule present in basement membranes that is an adhesive, growth-promoting substrate for nonneuronal and neuronal cells in culture [Edgar, 1991;Reichardt and Tomaselli, 19911. In this study, cytoskeleta1 elements were examined in growth cones growing on uniform fields of L1, N-cadherin, or laminin or at sharp borders between two of these substrates.…”