3Spinal cord injury (SCI) results in cell death, demyelination, and axonal loss. The spinal cord has a 4 limited ability to regenerate and current clinical therapies for SCI are not effective in helping promote 5 neurologic recovery. We have developed a novel scaffold biomaterial that is fabricated from the 6 biodegradable hydrogel oligo[poly(ethylene glycol)fumarate] (OPF). We have previously shown that 7 positively charged OPF scaffolds (OPF+) in an open spaced, multichannel design can be loaded with 8 Schwann cells to support axonal generation and functional recovery following SCI. We have now 9 developed a hybrid OPF+ biomaterial that increases the surface area available for cell attachment and that 10 contains an aligned microarchitecture and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins to better support axonal 11 regeneration. OPF+ was fabricated as 0.08 mm thick sheets containing 100 μm high polymer ridges that 12 self-assembles into a spiral shape when hydrated. Laminin, fibronectin, or collagen I coating promoted 13 neuron attachment and axonal outgrowth on the scaffold surface. In addition, the ridges aligned axons in 14 a longitudinal bipolar orientation. Decreasing the space between the ridges increased the number of cells 15 and neurites aligned in the direction of the ridge. Schwann cells seeded on laminin coated OPF+ sheets 16 aligned along the ridges over a 6-day period and could myelinate dorsal root ganglion neurons over 4 17 weeks. The OPF+ sheets support axonal regeneration when implanted into the transected spinal cord.18This novel scaffold design, with closer spaced ridges and Schwann cells is a novel biomaterial construct 19 to promote regeneration after SCI.
20The spinal cord has a limited ability to regenerate after spinal cord injury (SCI) and available therapies are 3 not efficacious in promoting recovery of motor and sensory neurological function. The failure to recover 4 function may be due to secondary events that occur after the primary insult such as cell death, axonal loss, 5 demyelination, cyst formation and an increase in the inhibitory microenvironment [1]. Many therapies are 6 currently under investigation for treating one or more of these secondary events using neuroprotective 7 strategies and cell, regenerative, and rehabilitative therapies [1, 2]. A single therapeutic strategy is 8 unlikely to be effective in treating a disorder that is heterogeneous in its underlying pathophysiology.
9Combinatorial treatments that simultaneously address multiple contributions to the residual of the injury 10 will be required.
11Biomaterial scaffolds are an attractive platform for combinatorial therapies because they are able to bridge 12 the physical gap produced from gliosis, cyst formation, and cell death by providing structural support for 13 regenerating cells [3, 4]. Biomaterials can be combined with extracellular matrices, cells, or 14 pharmaceuticals to promote a more hospitable environment for regeneration [3, 5, 6]. We have developed 15 a positively charged polymer, oligo[poly(ethylene gl...