The current study shows proximate analysis of Syzgium aromaticum (clove) and Moringa oleifera (Moringa) seeds; wherein, carbohydrates, protein, lipids, ash and fibre in clove seeds was 471.38 mg/g.dw, 219.53 mg/g.dw, 217 mg/g.dw, 14.6 mg/g.dw and 21 mg/g.dw while in moringa seeds was 492.32 mg/g.dw, 214.06 mg/g.dw, 114 mg/g.dw, 48.8 mg/g.dw and 20 mg/g.dw respectively. Furthermore, GC-MS analysis of Moringa oleifera (moringa) oil revealed presence of 14 different essential fatty acids whereas Syzgium aromaticum (clove) oil revealed presence of 18 different phytocompounds. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that clove and moringa oil have the same total phenolic and total flavonoid levels (TPC and TFC), with higher value of both TPC and TFC in clove oil (24.56 mg/g.dw GE and 6.55 mg/g.dw QE) in comparison to Moringa oil (9.13 mg/g.dw GE and 3.15 mg/g.dw QE). Furthermore, the potent antibacterial as well as antifungal efficacy of both clove oil and moringa oil against E. coli, S. aureus, A. nigerand P. chrysogenum, concluded that clove oil has a greater level of antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness.