The V proteins of Nipah virus and Hendra virus have been demonstrated to bind to cellular STAT1 and STAT2 proteins to form high-molecular-weight complexes that inhibit interferon (IFN)-induced antiviral transcription by preventing STAT nuclear accumulation. Analysis of the Nipah virus V protein has revealed a region between amino acids 174 and 192 that functions as a CRM1-dependent nuclear export signal (NES).This peptide is sufficient to complement an export-defective human immunodeficiency virus Rev protein, and deletion and substitution mutagenesis revealed that this peptide is necessary for both V protein shuttling and cytoplasmic retention of STAT1 and STAT2 proteins. However, the NES is not required for V-dependent IFN signaling inhibition. IFN signaling is blocked primarily by interaction between Nipah virus V residues 100 to 160 and STAT1 residues 509 to 712. Interaction with STAT2 requires a larger Nipah virus V segment between amino acids 100 and 300, but deletion of residues 230 to 237 greatly reduced STAT2 coprecipitation. Further, V protein interactions with cellular STAT1 is a prerequisite for STAT2 binding, and sequential immunoprecipitations demonstrate that V, STAT1, and STAT2 can form a tripartite complex. These findings characterize essential regions for Henipavirus V proteins that represent potential targets for therapeutic intervention.The biological effects of alpha and beta interferon (IFN-␣ and -) are mediated by a transcription factor complex, ISGF3, that is comprised of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins, STAT1 and STAT2, in association with a DNA-binding subunit, an IFN regulatory factor, IRF9 (1, 12). IFN-induced, ISGF3-mediated transcription results in a cellular antiviral state that provides protection against a broad range of virus types. In response to this negative selection, most viruses have evolved adaptations that allow them to evade IFN-induced innate antiviral responses (13,26).In the case of the paramyxovirus family of negative-strand RNA viruses, IFN signaling to ISGF3 is disrupted by direct targeting of STAT proteins (4). Current evidence from the study of several family members indicates that the common outcome of STAT targeting and IFN evasion is achieved by individual paramyxovirus species through a diverse range of molecular mechanisms. For example, the Rubulaviruses, simian virus 5 (SV5), human parainfluenza virus 2, and mumps virus all encode STAT-directed E3 ubiquitin ligase activities that function in combination with cellular proteins to target STAT1, STAT2, or STAT3 for proteasomal degradation (5,18,19,28,29). Distinctly, measles virus, a prototype Morbillivirus, does not induce STAT ubiquitylation and degradation but instead prevents IFN-induced ISGF3 assembly and STAT protein nuclear translocation (17, 27). These IFN evasion mechanisms rely on protein-protein interactions between STATs and the paramyxovirus-encoded V protein. The paramyxovirus V protein is characterized by a highly conserved cysteine-rich C-terminal domain (...