Homomorphic Encryption (HE) enables secure cloud offload processing on encrypted data. HE schemes are limited in the complexity and type of operations they can perform, motivating client-aided implementations that distribute computation between client (unencrypted) and server (encrypted). Prior client-aided systems optimize server performance, ignoring client costs: client-aided models put encryption and decryption on the critical path and require communicating large ciphertexts. We introduce Client-aided HE for Opaque Compute Offloading (CHOCO), a client-optimized system for encrypted offload processing. CHOCO reduces ciphertext size, reducing communication and computing costs through HE parameter minimization and through "rotational redundancy", a new HE algorithm optimization. We present Client-aided HE for Opaque Compute Offloading Through Accelerated Cryptographic Operations (CHOCO-TACO), an accelerator for HE encryption and decryption, making client-aided HE feasible for even resource-constrained clients. CHOCO supports two popular HE schemes (BFV and CKKS) and several applications, including DNNs, PageRank, KNN, and K-Means. CHOCO reduces communication by up to 2948× over prior work. With CHOCO-TACO client enc-/decryption is up to 1094× faster and uses up to 648× less energy.
CCS CONCEPTS• Security and privacy → Cryptography; • Computer systems organization → Parallel architectures; • Software and its engineering → Designing software.